BSA Series: Job-Specific BSA Training for the Frontline

BSA Series:  Job-Specific BSA Training for the Frontline

BSA Series: 
Job-Specific BSA Training for the Frontline
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm Eastern


The frontline is the first line of defense in identifying and reporting suspicious activity.  Therefore, it’s crucial that frontline staff receive initial and annual training on BSA/AML requirements and fully understand what is expected during their day-to-day duties.  This session will detail BSA/AML rule components, including red flags for money laundering, CIP documentation, CDD rules, OFAC screening, CTR completion, maintaining information for the sale of monetary instruments, and much more!  Arm your frontline with the knowledge and tools needed to comply.  


  • Overview of the five BSA pillars 
  • Currency transaction reporting (CTR) rules and how to avoid errors
  • Identifying and reporting suspicious activity
  • OFAC screening responsibilities
  • Gathering the information required to meet CDD requirements
  • Red flags for hot-button, high-risk activities, including elder financial exploitation, marijuana-related businesses, and human trafficking
  • Noncompliance penalties

Take-Away Toolkit:

    o Audit checklist for CTR accuracy 
    o Sample suspicious incident report
    o Elder abuse, marijuana-related businesses, human trafficking, and money laundering red flags
    o Employee training log
    o NEW – Interactive quiz

Who Should Attend?

This informative session is designed for frontline staff, new accounts personnel, and branch management.


Dawn Kincaid, Brode Consulting Services, Inc.

Dawn Kincaid began her banking career while attending The Ohio State University.  She has 17 years’ experience in client service, operations, information technology, administrative and board relations, marketing, and compliance.  Most recently Dawn served as the Senior Vice President of Operations for a central-Ohio-based community bank, where she created and refined policies and procedures, conducted self-audits and risk assessments, and organized implementation of new products and services.  Dawn has served in the roles of Compliance, BSA/AML, CRA, Privacy, and Security Officer.  She has led training initiatives, prepared due diligence information, completed a variety of regulatory applications, coordinated internal and external audits and exams, and presented for numerous state associations. 

Attendance verification for CE credits provided upon request.

Webinar Sponsored by Financial Education & Development

If you are having issues with registering online, please contact CBAO's Education & Training Coordinator, Lianne Simeone, (614) 610-1877.

Registration Options
Live Webinar: Register for the live event and get five days access to the On Demand Playback. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions during the presentation and be free to review the content for the next 5 (business) days Registration also includes links to presenter materials, handouts, and pdfs.
Recorded Webinar + Free Digital Download: Can’t attend the live webinar?  This option provides a recording of the live event, including audio, visuals, and handouts.  We even provide the presenter’s email address for follow-up questions. You will receive an email with the recorded webinar link, which can be viewed anytime 24/7, beginning 6 business days after the webinar.  You will also receive instruction on how to download a free digital copy of the webinar to your PC, which you may keep and use indefinitely.

Live Webinar: Register for the live event and get five days access to the On Demand Playback. You’ll have an opportunity to ask questions during the presentation and be free to review the content for the next 5 (business) days Registration also includes links to presenter materials, handouts, and pdfs.
Additional Hookups: Registering another banker from a different location
Live Webinar + On-Demand Link : Both live webinar & recorded webinar + free digital download 

Registration is closed.